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fgdfghdhj5yeh t1_iqwq74q wrote

So deep fakes make deep fake vid with made up up deep lies about partnerships so others jump on board and sell their rights?

how deep does the rabbit hole go! Is the agent even real!?!?


RoboFrmChronoTrigger t1_iqwwap2 wrote

Sounds like the plot for a new M night shamalamadingdong movie. And then the twist is that it was actually just a massive troll by Bruce and his agent


JimiDarkMoon t1_iqxspak wrote

People hate on the dingndong more than they used to. Back in the day you’d be impressed to get a written letter, let alone one that says shamalamadingdong.


escapewa t1_iqx94ao wrote

Upvoting for use of shamalamadingdong…


TechnologyOk5736 t1_iqyiy9w wrote

No but imagine a complex AI with a deepfake and realistic robot… whole new personality right there…..
