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bob_brightburn t1_iujn121 wrote

1 - “spectrum holders” = “media” in shorthand

2 - understood it never applied bla bla, but at the time FD was in effect bcast was massively the primary news source for mass audiences 3 - huh???

4 - nonsense? my turn to LOL, human politics run on stories and narratives, not fact. You can dig up enough words to justify anything including bullshit like “money = speech” so why not “Internet protocols belong to the people” and go from there. It’s a thought experiment: taxes paid for it, let’s have the discussion that regulation up and down the stack is reasonable

5 - so, you going to go for it? Remember “It’s free speech!!” yea fire in a theater. same as “stop the steal!” “vaccines are poison!” and the rest of the rightwing lies and propaganda. It needs to be stopped, and by any available means.