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K1nsey6 t1_iu9vbsu wrote

But concentration camps are OK when they are called for profit prisons in the US, right? Where states are REQUIRED under contract to have a specific level of occupancy, that disproportionately target minority communities.

Most of what you THINK you know about China is manufactured for the benefit of US imperialism.

But sure, China bad.

US media reporting on China, vs reality


JmacTheGreat t1_iua2361 wrote

A side-by-side comparison of twitter images, through an imgur link, is a laughable way to prove your point.

And while the US prison system is bad and needs reform, comparison to literal internment camps is extremely ignorant.


K1nsey6 t1_iuaj1xj wrote

You are using western media to debunk claims of western media manipulation? That's the laughable part


JmacTheGreat t1_iuajhmc wrote

Wikipedia is literally peer reviewed and constant checked and rechecked for the sake of accuracy… You are trying to compare it to like CNN/Fox lmao.

You sound like one of those people who are convinced Russia is the heroes of the Ukraine war because thats what “real media” is saying.

Edit: Damn Im right lmao


K1nsey6 t1_iuarma4 wrote

I never claimed Russia was a hero, I said Russia is defending itself FROM US imperialism.


JmacTheGreat t1_iuaxer5 wrote

By blowing up Ukraine hospitals and flattening civilian cars with their tanks.

Such bravery