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[deleted] t1_itls2jh wrote


patentlyfakeid t1_itlzyli wrote

Despite having a surplus of food, we'd not have enough to feed everyone if we didn't use spray. We don't, however, have to use it as negligently and as ambivalently as we do.* I'm from a rural area, and have lived my whole life on or near farms, so I have seen just how it gets used. Have some weeds? Spray. Still there? Double the spray. (repeat ad nauseum)

Besides, at this point, it's not as though you can avoid eating things with xxxxicides in them. Every study I've seen says that 'organic' goods contain similar amounts as regularly farmed items.

* Nor should we just keep using things when we discover systemic issues. Monsanto, for example, has a huge vested interest in the continued use of roundup and their patented seeds. It's growing more and more obvious, though, that we really can't afford to.