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InterPunct t1_iu2hmef wrote

The entirety of the software industry shows being an innovator almost always ends in failure until the next guy learns from you and does it a thousand times better.

Zuck is not wrong, this is epic and for the ages. Possibly as big as the Industrial Revolution. Bankruptcy for him and Facebook would not break my heart, though.


DxLaughRiot t1_iu5dbrh wrote

This is pretty much my take.

I got an oculus and have been playing with it and it’s pretty damn fun. There are loads of issues, it’s glitchy af, and right now it’s pretty empty but overall I see loads of promise. And the way it’s being built is so that others will build on top of Meta’s work and make their own money. They want to build a platform that people can make a living off of. It’s huge.

The problem is Zuckerberg has killed all good will people have with him now. There’s no way he’s going to build the cool new internet because his name is just toxic. They really need another face in front of it, or someone who knows how to sell the vision better because when I hear that lizard robot tell me this is the future I want to run the other direction.


anonperson2021 t1_iu388lf wrote

Zuck will be fine even if meta goes down the drain, no? Partial exit and all?

Innovation spikes and falls, but a partial exit is enough. Even MySpace Tom made enough to never have to work again (the man likes to travel, I hear).

Either way I don't think Zuck is anywhere near bankruptcy, and never will be unless he does extremely stupid things with personal finance.


flippzeedoodle t1_iu2vt0i wrote

The future metaverse winner will be made by some teenager in their basement making the next Minecraft, and it will win because of a feature involving dancing puppies with interchangeable outfits.


jeffyoulose t1_iu2uhju wrote

Don't rule out Zuck yet. He has smart people working for him. Metaverse isn't something you can easily replicate -- without all the hardware. Patents will also prevent competitors from scooping up the innovation. Especially wrt the VR hardware.


tonytexe t1_iu2v80w wrote

Ever heard of this company called Apple?


jeffyoulose t1_iu3z409 wrote

Apple doesn't have any VR hardware. In fact they haven't really had an innovative product since Job's death. iPad. Was the last big product. Now they are just milking off iphone and ipad.


slowslownotbad t1_iu42ji8 wrote

Rumour is the Apple VR product launches next year.

If they focus on professional work rather than BS social media I can think of a few use cases that’ll be big.


jeffyoulose t1_iu4hrwl wrote

Yeah like in construction and architecture. Being able to annotate a building with instructions to the builder on how to frame, plumb, ventilate would be great.


tonytexe t1_iu4xj5s wrote

Honestly I think it will be live sporting events that will change things. If camera tech can get there, you’ll feel like you’re sitting courtside… if Apple nails that, then yea…