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aGoblinLife t1_itbse1m wrote

Not the same people, resources for entertainment are allocated based on consumer demand for it. If you're looking for a more top down allocation of resources then you're going to get shit results.

Should we invest more into medical and energy sectors over entertainment? Unclear.


The-Initiative t1_itbsyt1 wrote

Metaverse is a mark z pet project. He could direct that money any way he chooses. Yeah, I get it’s a corporation, but if he wanted billions of meta resources devoted to building flying pogo sticks, they’d be working on that instead.


PerformerOwn194 t1_itbvpw3 wrote

Uh yeah probably


aGoblinLife t1_item0po wrote

Entertainment is the opiate of the masses, I feel like we'd be introducing instability to our society. As much as people say they want others to be motivated and productive, I'd like to remind you that some of the worst people in our history were motivated and productive.
