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eyesopen77dfw t1_ise0ux7 wrote

I just worry about the repercussions for people who speak out

is "social credit " still a thing?

i hate repressive governments


Lirdon t1_ise7v2q wrote

Repercussions? This is nothing new in china, any dissent is being censored, scrubbed and the person that put it out there arrested/disappeared. If that person is lucky, they get to make a retraction and return home under observation of the internal security apparatus and different limitations. If they are less lucky, they get imprisoned for a long time with only a formal trial. There are other even worse outcomes that I will not speculate on here, but let’s just say they are grim.


beirnfjwiopn t1_ishrzo2 wrote

“Social credit” has never been this single unified omnipresent score, but it is true that the Chinese government can easily make people miserable. A while ago, some protestors were given a “Red Code” for the COVID control app. Because a green COVID QR code is required to enter basically any public place in China (even taking a bus), this effectively made them social outcast. And these were just people protesting against real estate developers who went bankrupt and the local government, without challenging the regime in Beijing. Anyone who dares to protest against Xi Jinping and the communist regime (like the guy on the bridge in Beijing) can be assumed to be jailed and tortured, maybe even executed.


El3ctricalSquash t1_isel5so wrote

Social credit never got rolled out at a national level from what I understand. It was only trialed at a few cities.


Witty-Village-2503 t1_ish441s wrote

Wish people understood this. Also in USA and Canada we have a terrible social credit score system already, you know, the credit scores?


sittytuckle t1_isic6om wrote

Yes. If you're score is too low, things like the subway, accessing your banking, using apps, all get blocked. As your social credit is attached to all of that. Afaik, Weibo is a pretty all encompassing app


throwaway2454838 t1_isdutr5 wrote

Strange this comment section is empty 👀


SephithDarknesse t1_isdwkte wrote

What is there to say about it, thats already been said? This isnt exactly shocking.


yuxulu t1_isibuvs wrote

A sad state of affairs but not unexpected.


Seeker_Of_Knowledge- t1_isezjl4 wrote

Nothing much to say. That the norm in China. I surprised they still the gust to stand up. It is already a lost cause.


M-2-M t1_isdxgxp wrote

Strange that this news in Technology?


dr1pper t1_isf23po wrote

Imagine a protest in New York and then the current admin censoring all songs and videos from the internet mentioning New York