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zilozi t1_iucs1h9 wrote

Yeah definitely a Super un-popular opinion. We can't really advance as a species with metered connections. Metered connections are also very punishing for poor families and large families.


Winners_History t1_iudp89q wrote

If we "can't advance as a species" without paying for what we use, I'd like to hear your definition of "advance".


IolausTelcontar t1_iuejdlx wrote

Bits are not used or used up. They aren’t a finite resource to be rationed.


Winners_History t1_iues3eb wrote

Oh? Then I can just run out and pick some off a bush, right? I don't "need" infrastructure to move them around?

Government price-controls invariably lead to one thing - scarcity of the product in question.


IolausTelcontar t1_iueu3li wrote

Infrastructure is the only thing needed. There is no finite resource to consume. Stop being obtuse.


xbabyjesus t1_iui7b4p wrote

Network infrastructure is the finite resource. There’s a limit to how much data you can transmit over a network.