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inferni_advocatvs t1_iuiceni wrote

given the general state of the world right now, I feel no sympathy.


Passiveagrosmite t1_iuidnqu wrote

What a bitter pill you are. Bet you are a hoot to be around…not.


inferni_advocatvs t1_iuijgyh wrote

i meant it more in the vein of, it's their own fault\they are(sometimes literally) lying in a bed of their own design(the implication of this being the proverbial "bed" is of a "crappy design"). Look around it's like watching Rome burn, if Rome were the whole world.


jason8001 t1_iuimwby wrote

I see your point. They spent their entire adult life ignoring computers and cell phones. I’ve also seen people not able to work a computer but are always attached to their phone


[deleted] t1_iuid08g wrote

Neither did your dad when he left.


inferni_advocatvs t1_iuifx90 wrote

I fucken wish, that useless cockstain is still very much making my life(and the world) a shittier place with his ignorant anti-vax bullshit, etc, etc.
