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wtfburritoo t1_it7i899 wrote

I give it a couple months before Apple pushes an update that mutes that stupid shit, and it will never be an issue again.


mtauraso t1_it7u9cg wrote

This is why we need gov regulation on interoperability.

Companies won’t do it themselves, and we all must suffer the annoyance of their tit-for-tat battles over who owns text messaging between smartphones.


TheJadedSF t1_it7w5bk wrote

Oh a new Google service? Let the shutdown countdown begin!


MajesticTechie t1_it7wbw9 wrote

When third party services like Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp allow you to message all platforms, this isn't as big of an issue for a lot of people nowadays


Kyouhen t1_itaj0kt wrote

Signal's shutting down its SMS service for Android. :/


MajesticTechie t1_itb13xz wrote

That's such a Shame. It was very convenient to default the SMS app to signal. It was one less app I needed on my phone then


Mront t1_it7wmbn wrote

"hey, can you stop reacting to texts, it's annoying on my end"

"oh, ok, sorry"

Curses, their nefarious plan is ruined!


FreezingRobot t1_it8vqh5 wrote

My thoughts exactly. My Green Bubble will get told their phone is spamming people with extra texts, and then they'll stop using it.

I think Google overestimates how much people give a shit about this stuff.


EvilC0leslaw t1_it82lnn wrote

Sounds like it's going to annoy everyone else that can't use RCS as well. Whether they're using any other text messaging capable client on Android or even using Google Voice's text messaging which for some fucking reason only supports SMS.


sesor33 t1_it8els0 wrote

Yep, most android devices don't support RCS, most aren't even on the most recent two versions of android.


hateitorleaveit t1_itanvgl wrote

Google is going to make it even less enjoyable to text with their phones and that’s supposed to be good for them? lol if you have an android just reaction your way out my life


CraftArchitect t1_it8ch80 wrote

does anyone actually care? like anyone over the age of 3?


foggybrainedmutt t1_ita6n6u wrote

I love sending inappropriate reactions to texts so people will ponder what it means


RaccoonEnthuiast t1_it9u72a wrote

Medicine ? 😂

Does this medicine happen to expire in 90 days


peposcon t1_it7xjkr wrote

Switch to WhatsApp


3_50 t1_it8szwq wrote

US still rocking oldschool SMS. They only recently moved away from cheques, and it took them years to move to chip and pin, while the rest of the world already had contactless.

They'll catch up by the end of the decade, probably.


crypticsage t1_it7y2lk wrote

I would rather see iMessage on other platforms. RCS seems to have privacy concerns.

With iMessage, the encryption is end to end. At minimum allow for PC to use it. More people would be willing to buy iPhones if they could integrate iMessage to the pc as well.


Archbound t1_it88mo5 wrote

RCS has end to end encryption as well for person to person texts, I agree it needs to be expanded to group messages.


crypticsage t1_it8bpz8 wrote

Until such a thing is implemented, there is still a security gap where iMessages still dominate.

Plus it can only do end to end encryption if the app has the RCS feature enabled in the app. I believe there is a carrier component to that as well.


Archbound t1_it8dsin wrote

There is, I mean listen if Apple opens up iMessage to all platforms and it gets universal adoption that would be great, I just done see it happening.

In reality I see RCS being developed more and apple eventually being forced to adopt it either though public pressure or by legislation.


Or more likely neither and we keep everything worse.