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anti-torque t1_itlv74a wrote

>You already spend more in tax per person in the US on universal healthcare than the UK does (probably plenty of other free-at-point-of-use countries as well, I just haven't seen the stats.)

I ran the numbers 3 years ago, and we were spending $10.7k per capita in health care. About $6k of that was in taxes. Iirc, Switzerland paid the second most, with $7.7k--all taxes, I think, which go straight to private insurance to handle everything. And I thin the UK comes in third in per capita expenses, just under $6k, with most Euro universal systems close behind.

It wouldn't be a problem if outcomes matched the expense, as they do in Switzerland. But the US outcomes match more closely with places like Costa Rica, where they spent about $3k per capita, annually.


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_itm4l1i wrote

At this time of year, as we approach Halloween, more than ever, we are grateful to those who do the math.