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Aprilismissing t1_it013l8 wrote

Bmw already has massive infrastructure there and the area is full of other auto suppliers. It’ll be just fine. I’m just glad that it got the republicans in SC to actually invest in EV charging infrastructure.


CUvinny t1_it0eu2t wrote

Volvo's new factory outside of Charleston is also building EVs for their Polestar spinoff


Floyd-money t1_it03szi wrote

They’re adding new stations along the nc border and nuclear makes up most of their energy makeup too. Kinda wild to think about honestly


cuteman t1_it0cpha wrote

What other investment is there?


xampl9 t1_it0h6oq wrote

Whenever a major automaker opens a factory in a new area, their suppliers will also open factories there for things like the seats, wiring, auto glass, brackets, etc. This way they are close enough for their trucks to meet the automakers demands for just-in-time delivery.

If you haven't been to the factory in Greer, they have a museum there that is worth visiting. Not as big as the one in Munich, but still good. It looks like they might still be doing factory tours, too.


cuteman t1_it0hz4v wrote

I meant what did Republicans do to invest in EV?

Everything you've listed so far is private investment.


Hungryneck29 t1_it35wp3 wrote

The land the BMW plant is located on was purchased and donated to BMW by the SC Ports Authority. There is also Port infrastructure in the Spartanburg area. The SCPA is a state agency therefore not private. Without the BMW plant, no battery plant.


xampl9 t1_itbregz wrote

> I meant what did Republicans do to invest in EV?

Sued Volkswagen for lying about their diesel emissions and made them use the settlement money to create Electrify America charging stations?


juggarjew t1_it38co5 wrote

There is also a track and driving experience/driving school that is really cool. You can basically spend an entire day there, for auto enthusiast its like Disney World lol .