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sadetheruiner t1_iy6lxef wrote

I’m happy to hear the food delivery bots are treated with respect, not that I feel current technology has feelings or sentience, but purely from the standpoint of ignorant destruction for the sake of destruction is a bad trend for humanity. I can’t even sit in an ivory tower on this one I was a stupid teenager and even now I get satisfaction from breaking down cardboard for the recycling.


Potemkin_Jedi t1_iy6n09j wrote

It’s interesting because the delivery robots are roughly dog-sized (knee-high and longer than they are tall or wide); I find myself treating them with the deference of service animals, so maybe their appearance has something to do with how they are treated.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy8dpaz wrote

> but purely from the standpoint of ignorant destruction for the sake of destruction is a bad trend for humanity.

I mean, it's been going' one for about 65,000 years, sooo...I wouldn't really call it a "trend" so much as "the status quo".