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VinnyViddyVicci t1_iyao4jw wrote

Have you ever had a conversation with a Republican?

Not an argument, not a debate, not scrolling through quips and recaps of what someone says someone else meant, nor hanging on every word from Democratic Media outlets, but an actual discussion?

I was thinking earlier today about how people with staunch political opinion who "belong to a party" rarely ever have civil conversations with members of the other party; rather, the vast majority work to avoid cognitive dissonance and surround themselves with like-minded people instead. It's what algorithms and Feeds are all predicated on.

But in contrast, there are numerous posts on Reddit today depicting Unity between people from warring countries, all in the name of human decency and sportsmanship.

The first step is to sit down and have a conversation in which the objective for each participant is to understand, not to be right, nor to even be understood.

It's as simple as identifying an issue, having a conversation about pros and cons, listening to each other, reasoning with one another for the greater good, and then affecting change to that end.

Bumper stickers, flags on pick-up trucks, signs in yards and all the aggressive Fuck Biden / Fuck Trump / Let's Go Brandon propaganda of today is doing absolutely nothing but to create and perpetuate the same old discord and division. It's not changing anyone's mind, and it is not affecting the change that we ALL want.

The collective cries of the human race have not changed, my friend. We The People want a Utopia, do we not?

The primary difference between a Democrat and a Republican is essentially which side of the House they're sitting in.

Both parties are riddled with corruption; both parties work for Corporations, money, power, property, and prestige; neither party is enriching nor improving the lives of the people. It's a revolving door that spins both ways on the same axis.

We The People - 2🌏24

Dissolve the Parties/Unite the People.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iyay6fk wrote

Idealistic solutions with absolutely no chance of being implemented in the real world. Everything you wrote is meaningless fluff in the real world.


VinnyViddyVicci t1_iyayl0k wrote

That's what Quitters say. 😉


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_iyays3h wrote

Cool. I hope that quip makes you feel better about the fact that the parties will never be dissolved in some magical moment of togetherness where humanity suddenly forgets the deep psychological division that goes back hundreds of years.