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[deleted] t1_iy3ntp6 wrote

Meta is Facebook. I didn't know you could just make a separate entity when your company is going to shit to hide your shitty company


nomofica t1_iy3yqjv wrote

When Facebook expanded to other things beyond social media and advertising, they started managing all that under the parent company of Meta. They're separate legal entities because they are responsible for different things. Both entities are failing.


Bernie_Ecclestone t1_iy489qe wrote

They are definitely not separate legal entities. All the apps + VR are housed under the company Meta.


thesuffixx t1_iy4ji4q wrote

They definitely are separate legal entities. Meta is the umbrella company for Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram


Bernie_Ecclestone t1_iy4la26 wrote

Meta Platforms LLC is the one and only entity - Facebook, etc are absolutely not separately operating companies. They are organizations under Meta.


thesuffixx t1_iy4otf1 wrote

Honestly how can you think that a company as large as Meta only has one legal entity? I think we are saying the same thing but yoh are misunderstanding what a legal entity is maybe?


henrebotha t1_iy4eg9u wrote

>I didn't know you could just make a separate entity when your company is going to shit to hide your shitty company

Oldest trick in the business book.


Johny_D_Doe t1_iy4h2on wrote

International taxation and using its loopholes to pay the absolute minimum in taxes can become a b!tch in other areas...

Also, when you try to use all the data that you get from your different users (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) you need one umbrella entity in the EU, otherwise you cannot just simply sell customer data between Facebook and, say, Insta.


dannyapplesauce t1_iy5l09y wrote

Look at what JNJ is doing with their baby powder lawsuits. they are pulling a Texas two step to offload liabilities from the litigation into a newly created business that would then seek bankruptcy protection.


Outlulz t1_iy71rmz wrote

Really? Because you probably use Alphabet’s most popular platforms Google and YouTube daily.