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TestFlyJets t1_iy6yfwa wrote

So, serious question: if we have these installed at home for exterior security should we consider removing them?

It’s not clear to me what the threat is to an individual consumer just trying to keep an eye on the porch pirates and random car door handle jigglers.

I’ve had way more real cyber security issues with the QNAP NAS that the Hikvision cameras are connected to, but I haven’t seen any USG bans or threat reports on those.


OneTruePirate t1_iy72cd7 wrote

Even if we assume backdoors exist, your home is a low value target relative to the many large commercial operations, government offices, airports etc which use exclusively these brands. I think you're fine to leave them up, since they're still fit for the purpose you put them up for. Chances are you'll have no issues maintaining or replacing them in future if needed. At worst, hikvision et al could hypothetically see your surveillance footage, but they aren't gonna physically steal your stuff.