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QuestionableAI t1_iy4syq3 wrote

"Life no longer as we know it".......LOL... where have you been these last 4 years?


No_Woodpecker_7774 t1_iy4vj5j wrote

We will have to start wearing helmets at all times to protect against falling satellite debris


Skellephant t1_iy52sn0 wrote

Can please just have fucking healthcare before starting space wars? Its getting kind of ridiculous at this point. We are going to be such a joke of a time period in future history books.


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iy5pxaf wrote

Look. The scared people who make all the decisions are terrified of someone else having more powerful space weapon than they have.

So you can’t have healthcare because you not having healthcare only effects you!

The decision makers not having the mightiest weapons effects THEM!

Do you get it now?

Me either. But that’s how it works.


rourobouros t1_iy6bhf8 wrote

"China and Russia have demonstrated that they’re capable of doing just that"

Just shout "PROPAGANDA" so we know this is scare-mongering, OK? Because otherwise it looks like news.


littleMAS t1_iy6uxd0 wrote

Russia, China, and the USA have a lot to lose by creating space havoc. On the other hand, Kim Jung-un has almost nothing to lose, and he has the rockets to do it.


Captain_N1 t1_iy6xda5 wrote

Imagine worse, bringing asteroids into earth orbit as a weapon against another country. If china got pissy, US could cause a small asteroid bombardment. Cant do much when stuff is falling out of the sky on your country. Honestly we should already have that tech.