WizardFroth t1_ixh1fdo wrote
For those who dont know, this is a big deal.
"Each wavelength corresponded to a 15-mode spatial super channels with 5 Tbit/s capacity and the total data rate per fiber was 30 Tbit/s. At the network node, the path of each wavelength of the mode-multiplexed signals was directed according to the programmed configuration."
30 heckin Tbits per second.
Biff_Malibu_69 t1_ixhgl5l wrote
Thank you. Wow! That's a shit-ton of data/s!!!
WhitepaprCloudInvite t1_ixjjxfw wrote
Great, so they can send it to the last mile at 8,000,000 Mbps, but my home network is still 80/11Mbps and seems to be shared with all the neighbors.
[deleted] t1_ixjmbiu wrote
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