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gizamo t1_ixtdmmv wrote

I made 2 of them. One was even used. Lol.

It was awful. Do not recommend.


jmcstar t1_ixtfagn wrote

Butt plug finder was a great app, regardless of what they say


gizamo t1_ixtg6l3 wrote

Its successor, Butt Plug Spotter, was much more helpful during workouts.


3D-Printing t1_ixulx7u wrote

Wow, and nowadays with our fancy tech we have butt plug sender for when you want to cheat at chess!


Tohu_va_Vohu t1_ixuzute wrote

I made a few game apps myself. Lost a lot of money doing it. CodeWarrior was like $500. I didn’t sell many copies, and got sued for mentioning Tetris in my ad copy.


gizamo t1_ixv8stq wrote

Ha. Nice. Not for the Palm, but I once got sued because my app icon had a bird. Apparently, some company claimed all bird icons as under their (unregistered) trademark. Lol. Some people are idiots.