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jeffinRTP t1_iydolqo wrote

Even they know where the future is heading too bad the gop does not see that.


Denpol88 t1_iydvgtf wrote

Saudi Arabia started to become a very smart country.


anti-torque t1_iydw2k5 wrote

They've been plowing large amounts of money into solar for more than a decade.

They look around their peninsula, and they aren't stupid... just corrupt, hateful, misogynistic, racist, and terroristic.


Justme100001 t1_iye1lo6 wrote

Why not a picture of an actual energy plant instead ?


monchota t1_iyesfxw wrote

We need to stop allowing pure evil to invest anywhere else.


Forever_YDGn t1_iyf0ojg wrote

Fairly strategic move by them, with the amount of money they have they can get in on the replacement for fossil fuels. This will keep the infinite generational wealth chain open, although making the money much more ethically. L How has the gop not figured out how much money is going to be in a critical and vastly important energy restructure.