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Apprehensive-Tour-33 t1_iybkc8d wrote

Way to waste water.


ArcticGlacier40 t1_iyblv33 wrote

I don't think that much water was used....


Apprehensive-Tour-33 t1_iybm42a wrote

There is a shortage here on earth....


ArcticGlacier40 t1_iybmpvf wrote

Shortage of water is not the issue.

Getting water to people who need it is the issue.

We have entire oceans full of water, and we have the capability to make it drinkable. It needs to be made more widespread and made more globally available.


TSTUMPMAN t1_iybn1o6 wrote

Are you joking?


ArcticGlacier40 t1_iybnrgk wrote

That we need to invest in more ways to access our vast reserves of salt water and turn it into fresh water? Why would that be a joke?


TSTUMPMAN t1_iybrdyj wrote

Wow, I sincerely apologize, I meant to reply to a different comment. I am so sorry.


YikeSpike t1_iybs2pl wrote

Props for leaving the original comment up for context


Badtrainwreck t1_iyboidk wrote

You’re correct we do, but there is also a reason why it isn’t already happening now on major levels. There are plenty of super wealthy countries just importing fresh water, even when they have ocean access, it’s because the technology just isn’t where it needs to be for capitalism to be interested. Hell it’s not even really where it needs to be for socialism to say let’s go baby. Hopefully soon tho