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Onihikage t1_iwua36t wrote

Republicans are moving backwards, Democrats are at worst a holding pattern but usually at least trying to move forward. It's a very important distinction.

We're never going to fix this country at the ballot box, but we can hopefully slow down its decline long enough for organized citizen action to bring about the course corrections our country and culture so badly need.


Pragmatist203 t1_iwui9fj wrote

It's all just theater. They take turns being the bad guy for a cycle, play the part for the money and votes, rinse and repeat. Strangely enough, nothing ever gets reversed when they swap places in the power dynamic. That's because they were all in on it. If it were important, elections WOULD have consequences, but with the sports team mentality they keep the voters in, nothing changes.


FriendlyDespot t1_iwvco8w wrote

I don't know what's worse, how patently absurd and obviously incorrect you are, or how confident you are in being so.


nzodd t1_iwyefuz wrote

"Both sides" proclaims the guy who thinks watching a bunch of South Park makes him sophisticated and politically literate.