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TheShocker1119 t1_iwullas wrote

I do not believe any ISP in America, Comcast, Verizon, Frontier, Ziply, etc. actually laid down any fiber optic lines. I believe these companies took Government money for the infrastructure & pocketed it like always.

We need our internet service to be a utility provided by the state & allowed to create community networks.


Minimum-Enthusiasm14 t1_iwumklb wrote

Luckily all this new money coming down bro broadband infrastructure practically mandates laying down fiber. So if they haven’t before, they’ll have to now.


Ok-Gear-5593 t1_iwun0pu wrote

I actually watched them put in fiber optic lines all over my town was it a dream or an expensive fake out? I have FIOS at my house and one of their boxes in my yard with fake(?) fiber. Edit: i remember a few years ago cutting it with my edger because they barely put it under the surface in some areas and down went my service till they came out and replaced the line from the street.


LearnToStrafe t1_iwxolt9 wrote

I guess those orange tubes ATT put in my neighborhood are for hamsters then to go underground