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SlickMouthedFool t1_iwv4vin wrote

A bill would be amazing, it would make Net Neutrality the law of the land, but Biden cannot do that because he never had the votes.

I get that.

...but in lieu of that, the FCC commissioner has broad, unilateral powers, and he could reinstate net neutrality at least until the next commissioner is takes office.

That's how Obama got NN instated, and that's who Trump got it uninstated

It feels like Biden just wants us to forget about Net Neutrality, because his commissioner could have reinstated it on day 1!


FriendlyDespot t1_iwvd0f6 wrote

The FCC commission chairperson doesn't have broad unilateral powers. It's also not a he, but a she. The FCC commission as a whole has broad regulatory powers, but it's currently tied 2-2 and can't get anything meaningful passed unless it has bipartisan support.