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t1_ixtq13p wrote

I wrote what I did in the order I wrote it for a reason 'dictate' was applied to the Chinese government. No, apple cannot tell foxconn how to treat its workers. They do not work for Apple.

Apple has opted to work with other factories in other countries, but this transition requires time and proper planning. Apple DOES have a responsibility to its actual employees and its shareholders, who invest in the company and keep the business afloat and its people employed.

No. Apple floating on it's networth is not the solution. In business Cash flow (and not networth) is king. A massive loss in investors, the lawsuits that come with poor business decisions and breach of contract, and the destruction of reputation has killed massive companies before. Apple being a trillion dollar company does not make them immune and they understand this.

There is no instant gratification solution that results in everyone singing kumbaya, as is often the case with reality. This is global commerce. It's great except for when it isn't.

Perhaps you think I'm fanboying or shilling for Apple. I am not, however if they choose to send me a check I would gladly accept it.