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SilencexHeartbeats t1_iye5rj3 wrote

I game and stream and work from home

I was a naysayer until I tried it for a two week free trial

Works great, my life is the same

(With that said I’m sure there’s a latency difference just not one I’ve ever noticed)


SlowMotionPanic t1_iyexaye wrote

Right, companies wouldn’t provision jet mobile hot spots to employees if mobile internet didn’t work just fine and dandy. 5G is more than capable for typical people, including gaming. The folks who raise that particular issues are usually into hyper competitive gaming which is nowhere near widespread appeal for normal usage. I’m not even talking very big demographic jumps; most people don’t play games so dependent on the lowest latency possible because competition for fun fucking sucks after a long day working in competitive environments.

It is, of course, region dependent. People in the boonies are going to suffer the most, but that is also true for “landline” style internet service.