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kingallison t1_iyaep62 wrote

I just wanna know where does that money go and how does it compensate the consumer who was harmed by the bogus endorsements?


muckpucker t1_iyaix3w wrote

Hey internet stranger, I'm with you. I bought the next generation of Pixel phone because the Pixel 4 was supposed to be so great, now I find out that was all just lies. Will I see a nickel of that money? I doubt it. All that being said, I like my Pixel 5 Even though the power jack is dead and the speakers output is weak.


General1lol t1_iyc34gq wrote

I upgraded to a Pixel 4 from an iPhone SE (2016), so my bar of being impressed were very low. While the Facial Recognition, camera, and screen were literal heaven on the Pixel 4, I suffered too many app freezes and crashes along with the ridiculously short battery life to make me really like it. I upgraded to an iPhone 12 Mini as soon as it was released and never looked back.