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rexcharlesb t1_ixzq82c wrote

I’m not denying there is a problem, but the reality is that you (we) are being SOLD the “solution”. Aka people are profiteering and shifting the burden of responsibility onto the general public


PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_ixzqd12 wrote

What other options do we have?


rexcharlesb t1_ixzrc8m wrote

Look up the original Tesla, Nicholas - the Wardenclyffe Tower. This new Tesla shit is a scam and is intentionally masking the real solution, so people that laugh at you (us) can profiteer


69tank69 t1_iy1krd8 wrote

If you buy a gallon gasoline and burn it who is responsible for those emissions you or Exxon? What about for the food you eat? What about for the clothes you wear? At some point you need to take responsibility for your actions