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Harmless_Drone t1_ix5j5mb wrote

He rushed his cars to market by cutting every qa step possible. The fit and finish is atrocious, with massive gaps and parts not fitting all over them.


d01100100 t1_ix5tvn1 wrote

> The fit and finish is atrocious, with massive gaps and parts not fitting all over them.

I remember back in the late 80's if you compared the construction of Honda vs GM, you'd notice a major difference of how the outer body panels fit together. The Honda would be a consistent width all the way through. The GM vehicles were vary widely in how the car panels would fit together. If you look closely at the Tesla Model 3's, they're as bad, if not worse, than how the GM cars were. Compare two Model 3's side-by-side and you'll notice they're not consistent to each other.


ibond_007 t1_ix5kuti wrote

Fit and finish is one part of the issue. The biggest issue is, the cars will fall apart in 6-10 years time frame. Tesla is not customer centric anymore, so the customers holding the car will be seeing huge bill when it breaks down!