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Vic_Vinegar-_- t1_iws5z1f wrote

Anyone that has dealt with Google “support” for Ad Tech is not surprised by this.


WJ90 t1_iws8iar wrote

Quelle surprise that Google thinks it’s flush with low performers. Anyone who has been paying attention to their graveyard lately can clearly see their worst performers aren’t exactly ICs. Looking at you messaging and payments execs.


Desperate_Resource38 t1_iwszg4w wrote

At Google there's a culture of promotions and accolades being handed out for starting innovative shit, but not much for properly maintaining those initiatives. It's why they have all these products that die after two or three years, and why some of their executives made the jump from IC to management without knowing how the hell to sustainably manage. A good engineer can almost always be a good manager, but there are definitely some who simply can't or who don't get a proper crucible before being placed in a management role.


chaos449 t1_iwtnk11 wrote

If you think most good engineers can be good managers.... I don't think you've worked with many engineers. A good portion lack soft skills and other management skills... And can very good at technical