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PoorPDOP86 t1_iwgt108 wrote

No, that would be practicality. The maps of where high speed rail lines are proposed reads like someone just looked at a map and went "Oh that looks short enough let's do that". Meanwhile they have these lines going through places where there's four tunnels and you can't exceed 75 MPH on the highway due to the sharpness of the turns. That's not feasible for a train that's supposed to go 150 plus.

There's a reason long-range passenger rail died in the US. Why go through something you can go over?


knowledgebass t1_iwh81ea wrote

You do realize that in the era before planes and automobiles there was a well-functioning and world-class passenger rail service that went to every major city in the country right? And that was in the 1800's and early 1900's so we could make it work now if we really wanted to but we are collectively addicted to cars.


AdvertisingFree4150 t1_iwgtjnf wrote

it died so the rich can keep making us pay a shit ton to travel. public transport has been dying since ford came out with cars and they started sabotaging it. even musk takes credit for fucking up the one they were going to build in ca. lol they have inanimate domain to build things like a rail system in america. they did it for all our roads.