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[deleted] t1_ivb15ng wrote

Haven't governments always determined misinformation? Slander, libel, defamation, false advertising, fraud, etc., Those have always been crimes in the US.


red_vette t1_ivb29vv wrote

All of those have to be proven through the legal process. Out right government censorship without due process is another thing all together.


[deleted] t1_ivbon1k wrote

So we just need to start more court cases over misinformation. The Alex Jones trials were a good start but we can pick up speed.


Regayov t1_ivb31bw wrote

The government defined Slander, Libel, Defamation and false advertising but the application of those terms to specific information requires a trial where both sides are represented. That is way different from the government saying “this information is false, remove it”.


fitzroy95 t1_ivb9d6t wrote

Most Govts have also pushed the propaganda and misinformation that most suits their agenda via corporate media, social media, political media etc.

There is always misinformation that they want to spread, and misinformation they want to block.


685327592 t1_ivb7pqu wrote

Those aren't controlled by the government, a jury has to find you guilty.
