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t1_ivb1u48 wrote


t1_ivb3ern wrote

Wait so you’re defending musks lack of fact checking and then calling someone else a billionaire skeet slurper?


t1_ivb5355 wrote

Calling out blatant lies somehow makes me a nazi in this fucking loser's eyes lmfao


t1_ivb3z1g wrote

If I could attack Elon, I would. My sister works at one of his companies and is treated very well. My man is actually spending his money on investing in the future in spaces people said we’re impossible. Elon isn’t a billionaire in the sense of other ones that treat us like slaves and hoard all the wealth like the Sacklers (killing Americans with opioids), Pritzkers (turning gender affirmation therapy into an overpriced insurance scheme), Waltons (child labor in China through Walmart), and that’s before we even touch banks, oil barons, and all other polluters and legitimately evil individuals and groups.
