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ahfoo t1_ixugsav wrote

I don't get the hate. You can talk about trains all you like but the US is already committed to a suburban layout and this didn't just happen with cars. It was already the case in the era of horses that people would live outside of town and only come into the city to shop periodically. This trend towards suburbs is not recent and impossible to unwind. People who grew up in the suburbs and moved to the city love to whine about it but the burbs aren't going away any time soon. If you live downtown, take the subway by all means but it won't work for suburbs where large portions of the population live.

Electrifying roads is the most sensible thing in the world. There are all these comments saying that it is an "old idea" as if this somehow demonstrates that it is flawed. Battery powered vehicles is also an old idea. Solar panels were invented in the 1950s --so what? Being an idea that has been in circulation for some time doesn't imply anything about its practicality.

Charging in motion with inductive chargers is a great idea that is a perfect match with electric vehicles and it is pretty much inevitable that we'll end up with both widespread electric vehicles and wireless charging roadways because both those idea make perfect sense.