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ww_crimson t1_iy3zc76 wrote

This is in the UK. Seems like a strange policy based on a quick glance at the article. They're not sure how it will be enforced or what would constitute encouraging self harm. They mention that posting picture of self harm scars could be considered romanticizing self harm. Seems like a well intentioned but poorly thought out legislation.


Superjuden t1_iy4fb2l wrote

It's probably mostly going to be used in cases of cyberbullying. Cases where people contact others under fake names and just tell them to kill themselves for example aren't that uncommon. Then there's people like O9A who has had a few of their adherents contacting people, often minors, online and getting them to commit acts of self harm and send images and videos as proof which the O9A people use as personal trophies. O9A is fairly active in the UK and do a variety insane shit.


Ancalimei t1_iy4pxhj wrote

This. I had lots of bullies telling me to kill myself or cut myself or drink bleach when I was in high school and even afterwards. I’m all kinds of fucked up now. I wish the people who tortured me for years could get some kind of recompense for the harm they did to me.


hdjunkie t1_iy56gpp wrote

Sorry that happened to you and I agree


vikko212 t1_iy79zzr wrote

from the artical, emphasis mine:

>the update to the Online Safety Bill would create a new offence, bringing self-harm content in line with communications that encourage suicide - which is already illegal.


Nekaz t1_iy48ojt wrote

Uhhhh telling people to kill themselves in games?


YoungPatrickBateman t1_iy575rb wrote

I think a single angry “fuck you, go kill yourself” because someone killed you in COD would be treated differently to a consistent, targeted attack of “you’re worthless, nobody would miss you, go kill yourself”

The law isn’t black and white. There are nuances that would be considered when prosecuting a case.

Given this is a law for the UK I would expect it to be more sensibly applied than the typically heavy handed approach of US laws


PK1312 t1_iy5kpjf wrote

buddy, where do you think the US learned it from


Old_comfy_shoes t1_iy5ownk wrote

The romanticizing part is stupid. I understand they mean well. And I really get that. But if people feel shy to come clean with their struggles, they might not get the help they need.

I'm fine with criminalizing encouraging people to harm themselves. But posting pictures of your own self harm, I don't think ought to be criminalized.


VelveteenAmbush t1_iy6nen2 wrote

UK has never encountered a social ill that they won't try to solve with more censorship. The details don't seem to get in the way.


TesterTheDog t1_iy4a0sj wrote

We had a case in Canada that was quite sad. I'm more than happy with.this being codified in other places.


hdjunkie t1_iy56aol wrote

How about people literally saying “kill yourself”?! I’ve heard that that enough playing video games online that it should be criminal lol
