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z0mbietime t1_iy733wq wrote

Well if you're really that curious, I haven't touched Java since college in like 2012.

Also, maybe read back over my original comment that you so eagerly misinterpreted. Everything I said was language agnostic.

I'm not sure what your goal is other than to look obnoxious honestly. If you want a recap on what I'd originally said it was to use classes where applicable and functions where it makes sense. There is no class concept in pure functional programming. And a function must be attached to a class (aka method) in pure OOP. In other words, nothing I said was wrong soooo what exactly is your problem here?

And yes I do want to call it a method because that is what it's called.


ToughAd4902 t1_iy8asu2 wrote

Haskell, the definition of a pure functional language, has classes, and then by your definition, methods. Scala, a primarily functional language, has classes. F#, a functional language, has classes. There is like 2 functional languages that don't, and that has no reason about it being functional or not. You are completely wrong, and this is my last response to this. Not a single point you've brought up has been about OOP or Functional, you need to learn them before you can argue them, that is all.

It's just hilarious you led with"you should Google before you comment" when everything you've stated is literally Googleable


[deleted] t1_iy8pxcu wrote



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