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BoricPenguin t1_j15pdc4 wrote

How? No seriously how? The imac sure and it's great they're doing it but the studio HOW?

Wuldn't you need to replace the whole thing? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was just a single board pretty much which isn't really easy to repair.

Like do you have to desolder the individual parts and solder them back on? Or is it just a board swap? Since if it is just a board swap pretty pointless might as well just replace the whole thing.

Not to mention again what can do wrong? Water damage? Since again not easy to fix.


bmw3393 t1_j16rcvk wrote

The studio has proprietary removable ssds. I assume the studio will have 0 self service repairs ordered. If you can afford a studio you’ll just send that thing back to get fixed


voidsrus t1_j17cqci wrote

or if you can afford a studio and can find an adapter to NVMe like the older apple ssds had and are willing to open the device up anyway, likely to just install an aftermarket ssd of better capacity for cheaper


KingAoki t1_j172q61 wrote

The the whole process is wild. Not gonna lie, I bet Apple is betting on folks to trash their old product trying to fix it, then only offering a whole-unit replacement with a 15% discount.