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kbig22432 t1_j18ss0x wrote

Makes sense to ask the citizens for ideas to proactively address potential problems. The public, contrary to what the news would have you believe, isn’t just filled with idiots haha. Thank you again for responding.

I am curious what your thoughts are on the Dollar Endgame theory predicting hyperinflation in the near future.

Obviously this is an involved question, so feel free to tell me to pound sand if you want haha. It’s not often I have the ear of someone in banking, might as well get your perspective!


mrpoops t1_j18u3zi wrote

Oh, I’m not a banker. I’m an IT engineer. I’m just cc’d on all the stuff going on lol.


kbig22432 t1_j18vlrk wrote

Haha fair enough. In any case, it’s an interesting read for non bankers as well.

In any case, happy holidays and may you have a safe new year.