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CobraPony67 t1_j1b1yan wrote

Also KeePass. Local encrypted storage. Never rely on a cloud service for your vital information.


IAmTaka_VG t1_j1b75b4 wrote

I disagree to some extend. The world is built on cloud services. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.

Relying on a service however that has had a dozen breaches is just fucking stupid.


CobraPony67 t1_j1bcl85 wrote

I store the KeePass file on Dropbox as well as back it up locally so it can sync with my computer and my phone whenever I make changes. At least with KeePass, if the cloud storage goes away, I have my own local copy.


IAmTaka_VG t1_j1bcsua wrote

If 1password shuts down i still have my local stuff as well. Either way, two good options


dubiousadvocate t1_j1c46sx wrote

Dropbox has had their issues.


CobraPony67 t1_j1cb9zw wrote

Yea, OneDrive, or other cloud drive to make it easier. Definitely use a long password with letters, numbers, and symbols so the password file would be very difficult to decrypt.