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SpecificAstronaut69 t1_j18r00n wrote

My theory is that some right-wing fuck knuckles - you know, the kind he's been buddying up to lately - said something along the lines of "Y'know, I wish someone'd do something about all the wokerati on Twitter" and then Musk bought it out in a desperate bid to look cool to them, and is now burnin' up because the RWFKs aren't reciprocating the love because Musk did it off his own bat, and the RWFKs don't feel they owe him anything.


warren_stupidity t1_j19bk6q wrote

Well more to the point, the fascist oligarchs are trying to control all media and twitter is, or was, the premier news platform on the planet. So that part of the plan is working just fine.


delrioaudio t1_j1939m6 wrote

I agree.i think he and SBF are getting used by bigger, smarter money. Not that I feel bad at all for either person.


jeminstall t1_j19fd5d wrote

I think you're partially right, but I'm going to guess, instead of trying to look cool to them, he's just poorly coping with the fact his kid came out as trans and disassociated with him completely.

He turned to RWFKs because he needs to be loved, but even his own kids wants nothing to do with him. Throw in one of them being trans, and he probably blames "woke cancel culture" for his ruined personal relationships.


DirkRockwell t1_j1alngc wrote

I don’t think he cares about that as much as Grimes leaving him for a trans woman (Chelsea Manning no less)


that_star_wars_guy t1_j19afsb wrote

> Y'know, I wish someone'd do something about all the wokerati on Twitter"

"Will no one rid me of these turbulent tweets?"