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SoylentRox t1_j2cp3im wrote

Maybe? I mean he's gonna try to convince everyone he just set directives and played video games all day. That's he wasn't aware of the backdoor hacks letting FTX gamble with client's money and the shady loans and so on.

Yeah I'm not sure how he could possibly claim to be unaware, the dude can code and in a company this small would have directly involved in the decisions.

Plus I mean they used slack and other collaboration tools. Presumably there are smoking gun thumbs up emojiis from him.

like back in 2020.
coworker1: "alamada is low on funds, we're gonna have to fold"
coworker2: "I have an idea, let's borrow a little from the exchange balance, we'll make it back"

with a thumbs up by SBF.