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Vertigobee t1_j1hfobs wrote

They took that button away. I actually had Samsung come out to disable the sound - they couldn’t.


IkLms t1_j1kszhx wrote

They took it away? I've got a slightly older front load (because they're better) and that tone would absolutely drive me insane if I couldn't turn it off.


Vertigobee t1_j1ley9v wrote

Here I am, rocking back and forth in my padded, freshly laundered cell.

Honestly I could give quite the rant about noise pollution. I don’t understand homes where people let the smoke detectors beep endlessly. I take the batteries out of most electronic toys. The song the washer and dryer plays is so long - like 20 seconds long - and it gets stuck in your head. I’d have loved to disable it but the repairman said it would void the warranty to try. Absurdly un-user friendly to take away the mute button.