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angrychestnutt t1_j24zoit wrote

If it’s “smart”, it’s collecting data. Full stop.


lynnwoodblack t1_j26gkm8 wrote

I'm old now and even I understand this. How does anyone under the age 40 not just assume this?


clickwir t1_j275yo6 wrote

Not only do they not know it, they also have no idea the extent of what's collected. On a constant basis. Then used to refine a profile about you.

They can also monitor things they don't use as features. Such as Bluetooth. They might not offer BT as a user feature, but may very well monitor other people that come to visit. Did your guests agree to be monitored and tracked by companies simply by coming over to visit? No.


lycheedorito t1_j28av18 wrote

Most people I've talked to breaching this topic will say something like "well I don't care if they have my data".


ThatDoesNotRefute t1_j2e05vj wrote

And those people are entitled to get fucked by that opinion when it really counts.

Why does everyone think bribing/blackmailing politicians are so common place now ?


lapqmzlapqmzala t1_j294od3 wrote

People don't care about their own privacy anymore, unfortunately.


professorDissociate t1_j2bza7b wrote

Does smart inherently mean networking hardware/software was installed? Genuinely asking because I did not know as much.


lynnwoodblack t1_j2c3i9g wrote

Basically, yes. If it's smart it almost always has to connect to another piece of hardware and since your wifi is already there. Why not piggyback on it?

There used to be some "smart" devices that you could program to work off a clock that was built into the device or hardwire to a separate sensor or something like that but I think they're all gone now. Wireless is just too convenient and the data that can be taken from you is just too valuable to pass up.


ggtsu_00 t1_j27lix0 wrote

If it connects to the internet, either directly or indirectly via app, its collecting telemetry data.