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Mokebe890 t1_j250dwa wrote

I mean yeah? Who want to be primate monkey only raising offsprings and dying?


[deleted] t1_j25a8va wrote

This is my point. The unwavering belief that technology is the answer. Unquestioned. And people immediately become defensive if you even hint that you might have doubts about whether that’s true or not.


Mokebe890 t1_j25g85l wrote

Let me ask the question the opposite way, what is then? Its similar to democracy, not the best overall but best we have. Im not defensive and I may be absolutly wrong. But I see no other option that is at least scienitificaly proven.


throwaway92715 t1_j26wmm4 wrote

This guy is just calling you defensive as a pre-emptive way to undermine any criticism you might have of his unsubstantiated hot take of a point.

In the words of Greta Thunberg... "small dick energy"


imadragonrider t1_j27dg9m wrote

Lol. Try to meet people on the ground they walk. This guy seems to have arrived at a world view where he sees an interesting contradiction in the human condition (his condition) in which becoming conscious of his attention, realized that the technology provides leverage, but not answers. This is admirable in itself. He is being sincere about trying to communicate his experience and the meaning it had for him


unmondeparfait t1_j250yes wrote

Saying "I don't think the society / technology we've built is working, and may actively be harmful" is not the same as "We have to return to monke and live in straw hut"


Mokebe890 t1_j251goy wrote

Of course its not but point is to develop further not to stay in place and birth children like animals for bilions of years. Big tech have its flaws, Facebook is terrible but it is a price for development, unfortunately. I will also way more like to have it controlled and channeled into one, good for all humanity direction.


[deleted] t1_j25b0v5 wrote

Who is deciding what “the point” is? There’s no big book in the sky saying “humans exist to develop technology so they can be advanced”. This unquestioned belief that our only purpose is to always technologically advance is now dogma. It’s unthinkable to imagine our “purpose” has any other course.


Mokebe890 t1_j25h4bi wrote

No one of course. Never said that this belief in unqueationed, jusr said that survival of the fittest long ago was a predictor of sucesfull species. If we stagnate we wont adapt and will just fall of the train. Now it may be something else than technology but i personally see only technology, yoy can show me otherwise.


[deleted] t1_j25lov2 wrote

Every technology that’s been invented has a major downsides. Vaccines and medical advances (technology) raised life expectancy to new heights. But now people live longer, stay in jobs longer, own their houses longer. Developed nations have too many old people and not enough resources for the young. It’s not just a housing crisis. It’s how are we going to keep paying for these old people (me included) in their later years with fewer and fewer young people paying into the system? Economies begin to stagnate and quality of life starts to go down.

Another example is the paradox of efficiency. You might say we just need more and better tech to maximize our energy use. But the paradox of efficiency says whatever new capacity gets created from new efficiencies quickly gets consumed and you’re back to overusing a given resource.

Not saying technology is bad. I’m just saying the blind faith that it’s the only answer is no different than believing in god.


unmondeparfait t1_j252lft wrote

But what if the development we're doing is entirely in the wrong direction?

Yes, adults cannot return to being children, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're growing in the right direction.

"Ah well, I have a heroin addiction now. Just goes to show how we humans are always growing and changing, and even if it makes for hard times, it's all for the best! I'm definitely going somewhere with all this!"


monkeyseverywhere t1_j25gba5 wrote

But we ARE animals…


Mokebe890 t1_j25gqp9 wrote

I never said we are not. I said thats primitive with our possibilities and brains to just reporudce and stagnate, living in cozy peacefull farmhouse.


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j255hkm wrote

Pointing out problems is piss easy, the hard part is finding workable solutions people are willing to enforce.


unmondeparfait t1_j257ice wrote

Seems like it isn't that easy, people hate changing, and thus they are remiss to admit when something isn't working. Sorry I didn't come in with a complete plan to transform society.


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j257o4r wrote

No one expects you to have a plan, just understand that your awareness of some of the problems isn’t worth anything. People with plans matter, people waiting for people with plans don’t.


[deleted] t1_j25cqfm wrote

People do have plans. We know how to solve the crisis, today. But it’s not being solved simply because enough people haven’t been persuaded to believe those who are pointing out the problem. It’s not at all easy to do that with irrational hairless simians. They are notoriously tribal and suspicious creatures.


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j25ff7t wrote

By all means, tell me the plan.


monkeyseverywhere t1_j25gl2x wrote

What a horribly bad faith arguement. “Only people with plans matter” acting like you’ve ever had a “plan” past your next meal.


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j25h5vx wrote

It’s amazing how pissed off kids online get when you ask them for more than slogans, memes, or insults. Where else would you go to find people accusing you of bad faith when their whole response is a screech.


[deleted] t1_j25ilki wrote

Ah I see, you’re just bored today and looking to scrap online. Have a good day/night.


SsiSsiSsiSsi t1_j25iyzc wrote

> People do have plans. We know how to solve the crisis, today.

That’s a big claim, I’m just asking you to back it up, but if you’d rather take your ball and go home… then go. We’ll both pretend that’s about me and something I said, rather than you having nothing else to offer.


[deleted] t1_j25bj8x wrote

Actually, climate skepticism is the only thing preventing us from solving the crisis. We already have ample technology to solve it. The problem is nobody believes those who are “pointing out the problem”. Not so easy I’d say. Raising awareness always looks easy after it’s been done.
