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flaagan t1_j268vla wrote

I will never stop hating that companies that make apps and websites somehow glommed onto the "tech" and "Silicon Valley" monikers, much less that "Silicon Valley" somehow magically moved from the south and east bay up to San Francisco. Those titles belong to the companies actually making the electronics and silicon in the valley, who are still around and doing quite well.


happyscrappy t1_j27u5qr wrote

It is crazy to me SF is considered not just a part of Silicon Valley but its core by a lot of people.

It was bad enough during the dotcom boom when all those companies only made software. Silicon Valley got back to the silicon (with the rise of handheld devices like the iPod and phones) and then the web server jockeys moved on to SF.

Don't get me wrong, they do real work. Setting up an ecommerce server is non-trivial. But it's also at least as close to K-Mart as it is to Microsoft.

And then came the mattress, razor, underwear companies. They just sell crap over the internet and that's a tech play? Wait? Now offering payment plans to buy stuff is tech too? Nonsense.


Sweet_Inevitable_933 t1_j27nf2d wrote

Totally agree.

It also kind of bugs me to have people say "I'm in tech, too!" while it took me years to become an engineer and they've just joined in a non-tech role. I can only smile -- as everyone wants to be in tech now. And people used to call us nerds as an insult, but somehow now it's cool to be a nerd. Go figure.


tigger0jk t1_j27qurp wrote

Annoys me as well, this article also applies it to Amazon, which has always been headquartered in Washington.