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v81 t1_j1xxv6k wrote

Don't burden emergency services with beta tests.


DocPhilMcGraw t1_j1xzmnl wrote

That's a really dumb idea considering Apple is not about to pull this capability from the market.

And you had the audacity to call my idea dumb when you come up with an even worse idea that Apple is not going to take into consideration?


v81 t1_j1yb27f wrote

Seeing that seen idea is dumb and saying so does not magically obligate me to invent a solution.

I can say that Trump and Biden are dumb without running for president.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it's not smart thing to waste the resources of emergency services with a poorly thought out tech.


DocPhilMcGraw t1_j1yc6hw wrote

Ok so you’re just admitting you can’t come up with any better ideas. Later genius.