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TheBatman327 t1_j21qtco wrote

You don’t think they have people to bring in and do the work? It’s called contingency planning. All companies have it that are involved with unions.


Kevrawr930 t1_j222tly wrote

No, I don't.

Especially at a skilled job.


TheBatman327 t1_j22766k wrote

Odd I was in a union for 13.5 years and they had contingency plans each year for each job type that was up for negotiations. You don’t think the people they are using are “skilled” enough? They have already replaced McDonald’s workers with kiosks, and the employees that are preparing the food STILL mess it up. Vehicles that are produced by union workers mess up, some are recalled , some fail inspection because that “ skilled” worker didn’t do something right. So just how skilled does someone need to be?

I’ve seen some of the shittiest work ethic people get defended by the Union , and still got to keep their job. So does that job require a “skilled” worker?


Kevrawr930 t1_j22k71z wrote

You're confusing competency with skill and in so doing, confusing the issue.

Unions are no more evil nor repugnant than corporations. If we are to have one, we should have the other.