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t1_j1j0ggb wrote

How does MS, who has also sexual harassment and gender discrimination problems not unlike Activision, run a tighter ship?

Why would you trust them to change and not Activision? Kotick said he'd quit if things didn't get fixed and he hasn't quit.

If you trust these companies, they've successfully marketed to you.


t1_j1j0tgq wrote



t1_j1jyusb wrote

The frat boy culture is not what made Blizzard products bad. Quite the opposite, really. Blizzard games were much better when it was passionate frat boys making them instead of soulless suits.

The frat boy culture made it a toxic place to work, but is that bad for consumers? Seems like a totally separate issue.


t1_j1j2e7f wrote

So, you pointed out that MS has more money and resources to put policies in place to avoid discrimination and they haven't. Doesn't seem like a tight ship.

Frat boy culture is trash, but we don't need a monopolistic company consolidating the gaming industry even more when we could just, I dunno, demand legal consequences for Activision? Wouldn't that make the most sense?

Seeing MS as the savior is completely misguided.
