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mavajo t1_j1jieti wrote

It's a fallacy because of the reason I explained, and because there's literally a fallacy named after it: perfect solution fallacy.

My explanation was in my post. Your inability to understand that is probably closely related to why you're so susceptible to fallacious reasonings.


BoricPenguin t1_j1jiyoc wrote

Guy you clearly don't understand the topic or how laws work please stop.

What you said was wrong and the fact you can't do what I asked is proof of that.

Also you don't understand what a fallacy is so learn English.


mavajo t1_j1o23zk wrote

Lol, the guy arguing about logic doesn’t understand it’s his job to prove his hypothesis, not for me to disprove it.


BoricPenguin t1_j1o4q45 wrote

Ummmm what? It is your job to disprove me that's how a argument works.....

Stop using words you don't understand please.


mavajo t1_j1qrj05 wrote

Lol that’s not at all how it works. No one has to disprove your argument until you first prove it.


BoricPenguin t1_j1qs6q6 wrote

Yes they do! That's how a argument works!

God I get you know you're wrong and refuse to accept it.


mavajo t1_j1s4lkr wrote

Okay. I have an argument for you. I’ve heard you like to rub used kitty litter on your genitals before bed.

Prove me wrong.


BoricPenguin t1_j1s4q96 wrote

Translation you're mad I caught you.

If you were right you would prove me wrong not say nonsense.


mavajo t1_j1vnwt0 wrote

Lmao you really don’t even see the irony in what you’re saying do you?