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DrinkMoreCodeMore t1_j11vtbm wrote

Of course but the main difference I'd say is the server admin can be anyone VS the people reading your DMs on Twitter is safety and trust team or the government.


HanaBothWays t1_j11wy9o wrote

There’s no trust and safety team at Twitter anymore!

Also if you are on Reddit all the people moderating the subs are Just Some Guy, it’s pretty much the same.


DrinkMoreCodeMore t1_j11x3qu wrote

Mods can't read or access DMs tho


HanaBothWays t1_j11xh28 wrote

I assume that unless I am using a secure messaging app or using iMessage with the new feature where you can lock everything down, then anybody could be reading my “private” messages on anything. It’s in the fine print.

But I work in cybersecurity. So I just don’t make the distinction the way other people do.